Perform views midi mapping
Oliv gir
In order to facilitate the use of external controllers, I think it would be more practical to fix cc's or expose macros in a fixed way, rather than having to do the mapping every time you change presets.
For example, in the AUM Midi controls menu, add a section dedicated to the 8 macros so that they can be linked to a button on a midi controller.
Thank you :-)
Oliv gir The Perform View is a feature from Mela 2 back when small iPhone screens couldn't show modules and would only show 8 dials. The plan is to, at some point, extend the Perform View capabilities and include things like XY dials and meters.
Back to your feature request, In Mela, the parameter tree consists of nodes representing each module in the preset, and each node contains parameters for the corresponding module. The 8 perform view dials aren't separate parameters but are UI controls that are linked to the parameters inside these nodes/modules. So when you change the preset, these 8 dials change what they are linked to.
I understand the desire to have the ability to change presets and have the MIDI controller always mapped to these 8 dials. I think I'll add 8 meta-parameters to the AUv3 parameter tree to be always linked to whatever the preset has mapped to these 8 dials. That way, you can link your controller via the host to the meta-parameters, and during preset change, things will remain linked.
Oliv gir
Nikolozi : that would be really great, can't wait ;-) :-)